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Exchange life in UC Berkeley

19 09 2018

Editor : 系统管理员

Hits : 178


This summer, I was lucky to have the opportunity to be an exchange student in UC Berkeley.

It was a challenge to live and study in an English-speaking country .We needed to adapt quickly to the all English classes and even the accent the professors speak with. Besides, unlike universities in China, there are many chances to express your idea and question the professor. Thus, we all tried to be active and speak English fluently. I attended the class named Competitive Strategy, and our professor emphasized much on our performance in class. In order to have something to say in the next day class, we had to read some long-page articles at night and analyze by ourselves. The process was painful but rewarding.

We often walked in the campus in our leisure time and were amazed at the number of libraries. You can find libraries everywhere and every libraries differ in their styles of architecture. Lying on the grass, bathed in the brilliant sunshine, overlooking the Sather Tower, our stay in UC Berkeley was short but enjoyable. Though we have left, our exchange life in the cool summer of UC Berkeley will be remembered forever.

SUN Siwei