1. 德智体全面发展,知识、能力、素质和记实综合考评优良;
2. 学习成绩名列前茅,具有良好的英语应用能力;
3. 2013级本科生;
4. 申报香港大学、香港科技大学、香港中文大学的同学要求未参加过其它对外交流项目;
二、 有关费用
1. 名额请见附件1
2. 交流期限请见附件1
1. 进入选课网(现代教务管理信息系统)
2. 点击“信息维护”中的“交流申请”
3. 选择“选定报名”并“提交”
4. 选择“打印申请表”(浙江大学本科学生对外交流申请表)
5. 申请表打印好后,请按要求填好有关的内容, 于3月20日前(含3月20日)交至紫金港校区东一B107-2室。
1. 请同学在报名表注明主修专业。
2. 如有第二、第三志愿的选择,请同学们在报名表注明第二、第三志愿学校。
3. 面试拟定于3月25日,请同学们3月24日上网查询面试通知。
高校 | 名额 | 费用说明 | 申请要求 | 信息及备注 |
香港大学 | 一学年:10 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。有部分资助。 | Level of English proficiency requirement : Students whose first language is not English are expected to achieve the score of TOEFL-80 (iBT) (97 (iBT) for Faculty of Law ) or IELTS -6.5 (7.0 (with no subtest below 6.5) for Faculty of Law) | Restricted programmes or courses (not open to exchange students) : Courses offered by Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Dentistry, and Li KaShing Faculty of Medicine, most final year project courses. |
香港中文大学 | 第一学期:5 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。 | • completed at least two academic terms of university studies; • a minimum TOEFL score of 530 (paper-based) / 197 (computer-based) / 71 (internet-based) or IELTS 6 or equivalent; • a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (B average or better), although applications with a slightly lower GPA will be carefully assessed. (Applicants from institutions not using the GPA system will be judged on their overall academic performance.) | 2 Students who are interested in taking law courses at CUHK should observe the course enrolment requirements, in particular, the English language requirements, sa stated at: http://www.oal.cuhk.edu.hk/index.php/study-abroad-a-exchanges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/study-at-cuhk/programme-information#Course_information. 3 Application to exchange programme does not guarantee any course registration. Courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty of Law are very popular. Students should be flexible in their course selection. 3 Transcripts of International Asian Studies Programme(IASP) will only be available for mailing 2 months after the last day of the term. |
香港科技大学 | 第一学期:2 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。 | | 1 有最高修读学分限制。 2 Exchange students shall not enroll in postgraduate courses (i.e. courses with course codes beginning with 5, 6 or 7). School of Business and Management will not allow exchange students to enroll in postgraduate courses under any circumstances. For other schools, enrolment is subject to approval by the School and the offering department. |
香港理工大学 | 第一学期:10 第二学期:10 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。 | | 1申请人自选学系,护理学专业及设计学院专业除外。 2应用数学系暂时不接收交换生,直至另行通知为止。 3 理大簡介 (http://www.polyu.edu.hk/) |
香港城市大学 | 第一学期:1 第二学期:2 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。 | 学生需有一定的英语能力(如雅思6.5分、托福IBT 100分、CET6级450分)个别学院的英语能力要求(如法律学院)会更高。 | 有关课程选择方面,后面的网页会列出下个学期可供交换生选择的课:https://banweb.cityu.edu.hk/pls/PROD/hwiecrselis_cityu.P_Main 目前只显示暑期的课,秋季学期旳课会在三月底提供。 |
香港浸会大学 | 第一学期:1 第二学期:2 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。 | Please find the eligibility by clicking this link http://intl.hkbu.edu.hk/student_02_01_02.php . | As for the course list available for exchange students, please click on the link for more information of the available course list for degree exchange students http://ar.hkbu.edu.hk/curr/ug_std/course_reg_withdrawal/course_offer_exchange_intl_visiting_std/ . The most updated module/course list of Academic Year of 2015/16 will be available around April 2015. |
岭南大学 | 第一学期:6 | 学费互免,住宿费及其他费用自理。 | In general, you must have completed at least 2 terms of full-time study at your home institution prior to your exchange study. A recommendation letter from partner institution (in English, either from a Faculty Member of student's home institution or the International Office) for each applicant is required. You must also fulfill the following minimum academic requirements: • A cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5 (on a 4-point scale) or above • Non-native English speakers must have a TOEFL score of 213 (computer-based), 550 (paper-based) or 79 (internet-based), or an IELTS (Academic Module) score of 6.0. | For our courses, exchange students are welcome to take any undergraduate courses from the course offering list (http://www.ln.edu.hk/reg/info/timetable/201509courselist.pdf). However, some courses have pre-requisite requirement/ major restrictions (they may find the information from the course descriptions here (http://www.ln.edu.hk/reg/course_descriptions4yr.php). |