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编辑:lindazyl 时间:2017年02月24日 访问次数:1226


 法国巴黎政治大学(Sciences Po1872年成立,是人文社科领域的世界著名学府,传统支柱学科:政治、经济、法律、历史和社会学。2016QS世界大学学科排名中,巴政的国际事务学及政治科学排名全球第4位。一百多年来巴政已为国际社会培养了无数精英,其中包括联合国秘书长加利,二战后 7 位法国总统中的 5 位(如前总统希拉克及现任总统奥朗德),13名法国总理,12名外国现任或前任国家政府首脑, 4名国际货币基金组织总裁,现代奥林匹克之父顾拜旦,时尚大师克里斯汀·迪奥,罗斯柴尔德家族现任掌门人金融大亨大卫·罗斯柴尔德,当代世界文学大师马塞尔·普鲁斯特及无数跨国集团CEO等。中国近代著名国学大师陈寅恪先生,现任中国驻比利时大使曲星先生也毕业于巴政。巴政的学生来自全球150个国家,提供英、法两种教学语言供学生根据情况选择。 



2017 Calendar

June session: 3-30 June 2017

July session: 1- 28 July 2017

Academic programme:

The Summer School offers two academic tracks, in social sciences and French language. Both tracks are available in each session of the Summer School.

In the social sciences track, students select one core class for intensive study over the course of 36 contact hours, on topics ranging from economics, to political science, or interdisciplinary studies of contemporary issues (Human Rights, Migrations, Sustainable Development, etc.). Classes are led by Sciences Po professors and researchers and are taught in either English or French. Successful completion of a course awards students 4 ECTS credits. Syllabi for these classes are available on the website.

In the French language track, participants are placed at one of six levels adapted to their knowledge of the language (from total beginners to advanced). Over the course of 65 contact hours, students take a variety of courses intended to improve their knowledge of French, including intensive language study, oral and written expression workshops. Successful completion of a course awards students 5 ECTS credits.

All students have the possibility to choose additional elective courses to complete 24 hours of additional study on a variety of topics (statistical methods, French history, French literature, French language, and more).  Successful completion of an elective class awards students 2 ECTS credits.

Outside of class: The University Programme takes place on our Paris campus, in the heart of the Saint Germain-des-Prés neighborhood. Our programme features a variety of extracurricular activities (conferences with guest speakers, guided visits to Parisian museums and monuments, weekend trips, etc.) over the course of the summer. Students may live in apartments or dorms with other programme participants, or choose to find their own housing if they so desire.

The Summer School is open to students from across the world. The eligibility criteria and application procedure are detailed on the Summer School website. Candidates must apply through the Sciences Po online application system.


1. 我校正式注册在读的本科生(大一、毕业班学生除外);

2. 其他要求参见法国巴黎政治大学项目网址。中文介绍请查看:



1. 进入现代教务管理系统申请栏中“校外交流”,填写相关内容后在网上提交;

2. 选择“打印申请表” (浙江大学本科学生对外交流申请表);

3. 申请表打印好后 (申请表上的有关信息请填写好后再打印),请按要求填好有关的内容,到学院签署意见并盖章;

4. 申请表最晚请于2017年3月8日上午11点前交至紫金港校区纳米楼行政办事大厅112房间本科生院窗口相应框内。





