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编辑:wangivy 时间:2019年01月02日 访问次数:2189



1. 热爱社会主义祖国,具有良好的政治素质,无违法违纪记录;

2. 品学兼优,身心健康;

3. 德智体美劳全面发展,知识、能力、素质和记实综合考评优良;

4. 学习成绩优良;

5. 优先考虑没有参加过对外交流的学生;

6. 其它条件请参考项目具体要求,请务必详细了解项目情况、并根据自己的学业安排进行统筹规划后再行申请。



伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary University of London),世界百强名校,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,英联邦大学联盟成员。伦敦玛丽女王大学是享有国际声誉的伦敦大学联盟中规模最大的学院之一,同时也是伦敦大学联盟中唯一一个将教学、研究及住宿场所都设于伦敦中心的校园式大学。就读伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的学生顺利毕业者,将获颁伦敦大学的学位。不论在世界任何一个地方工作,该学历保证均能受到雇主的认同与青睐。

为了帮助外国学生更好的了解当地文化及风土人情,该校将举办每期三周左右的国际暑期学校,向国际学生开放申请链接:accepting applications 

课程信息请见:please see our website .

请参考2018年暑期学校的经历分享: Summer School video.



曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)位于英格兰中北部的曼彻斯特市,是英国第二大城市。曼彻斯特大学具有出色的研究和教学的悠久历史,据泰晤士报报道:“曼彻斯特大学几乎在所有学科都有可敬的声望,其中又以生命科学、工程、人文、经济学、社会学、与医学为最。”



Manchester International Summer School 2019 - flyer.pdf


Manchester International Summer School 2019

The Manchester International Summer School (MISS) is a three-week course run by the University of Manchester’s School of Arts Languages and Cultures which explores British culture and history as well as the history of Manchester and its region. In 2019, the Manchester International Summer School will run 7-26 July and applications will open on 2 January 2019.

Courses and field trips

MISS is three week-long multi-disciplinary course which explores British culture and history through the prism of Manchester and its region.

MISS is run by the University of Manchester’s School of Arts Languages and Cultures, and includes a choice of courses from a range of the School’s subject areas, including History, Art History, English Literature, History of Science, Humanitarianism, Religion and Music.

In the first week of the course all students complete the course ‘Manchester Original/Modern’ which explores the region’s development, in particular Manchester’s history as a global industrial power. In weeks two and three students choose from a selection of week-long courses. Course titles from previous years have included ‘The Bront s’, ‘The ‘Real’ Downton Abbey’ and ‘Manchester – Melting Pot of Faiths’.

Are you interested in...

·         the role played by Manchester and Liverpool in the development of British popular music?

·         how football developed from a leisure pursuit to a multi-billion pound industry?

·         how what happened in Manchester impacted the Bront  sisters in Haworth?

·         how the inhabitants of the 'real' Downton Abbey coped with these changes?

Then this is the course for you.

Each week-long course includes a field trip to a cultural venue or heritage site in the local area. The field trips that we organise as part of MISS have included trips to the Bronte Parsonage Museum in Haworth, Lyme Parkin Cheshire, the Walker Gallery in Liverpool and Quarry Bank Mill in Styal.

A full list of MISS course options can be found under ‘Courses’ on the MISS webpage.

 Assessment and credits

All course options include lectures, seminars, workshops, a field trip and require students to complete assessed work.

The MISS programme has a value of 20 credits, which students can attain by completing assessed work which includes two short essays, two oral presentations (in class) and a long essay responding to a question from either the week 2 or 3 course that student has selected.

Further information regarding assessment and credits can be found under ‘Courses overview’ on the MISS webpage.


The tuition fee for MISS 2019 is £1,600. This covers the teaching, assessment, field trips, airport collection and selected social activities.
Accommodation fees are between £400 and £550. More information can be found under ‘Accommodation’ on the
MISS webpage.

More information regarding fees, finances and scholarships can also be found on the MISS webpage.

How to apply

Applications for MISS open on 2 January 2019.

To apply for the course, students must send a completed MISS application form (see attached), along with the required supporting documents to international.summerschool@manchester.ac.uk by Friday 12 April 2019.

These include an academic transcript from the student’s current university and proof of a relevant English language qualification (e.g IELTS or TOEFL). Further details of how to apply and the entry requirements for MISS 2019 are on the MISS webpage (see ‘How to Apply’ and ‘Entry Requirements’).

Why study at the University of Manchester?

Ranked 29th according to the QS World University Rankings 2019 and 6th in the UK, the University of Manchester is a prestigious member of the Russell Group: a select network of leading research-intensive universities in the UK. The University helped with the development of the world's first modern computer in 1948, and was where Ernest Rutherford first split the atom in 1917.

The University of Manchester has the highest percentage of international students in the UK; as many as 160 nationalities are represented on campus.

Further information

On the MISS web page you will also find information regarding entry requirements for MISS as well as accommodation, orientation and the social activities which are available to all MISS students.

 Here is a link to the MISS 2019 flyer, which summarises the information and includes key dates. Applications for MISS open on 2 January 2019. The application form is attached and can also be found on the MISS webpage.

If you have any questions at all regarding the Manchester International Summer School, Please contact this email address: international.summerschool@manchester.ac.uk



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